Time-Lapse Incubators 

What are Time-lapse incubators? 

Time-lapse incubators are incubators fitted with an integrated camera system that records embryos at different intervals as they are cultured in the IVF laboratory during your IVF/ICSI treatment. It essentially provides both the clinical team and you with a video of each embryo as it develops in the lab. This allows the embryologist to better observe the growth of your embryos without having to take them out of the incubator and expose them to the environment to assess them- keeping them in an uninterrupted and controlled culture environment. 

It can help detect development patterns during early embryo development to better select healtherier embryos for your treatment- whether for embryo transfer or for freezing.

Who should consider it? 

Time-lapse incubators can be considered by anyone undergoing IVF treatment to maximize your chance of selecting the most viable embryo to transfer. This is particularly the case for:

  • Patients who have experienced multiple IVF failure and misscariage
  • patients with advanced maternal age eggs 
  • Patients with unexplained infertility
  • Patients with a history of poor embryo development

What does the research say? 

Time-lapse technology provides continuous monitoring of embryo development, which can help embryologists evaluate and select the best embryos for transfer. But does it actually improve success rates?

Some smaller studies have shown that using time-lapse incubators may lead to improved live birth rates1. However, the evidence is mixed. 

A larger, higher-quality randomized controlled trial in 2023 found no significant difference in pregnancy rates when using time-lapse incubators compared to standard incubation methods2. Reflecting this, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) rates time-lapse technology as "black," meaning it does not improve success rates for most patients3.


Time-lapse imaging is a non-invasive procedure that does not pose any additional risks to the embryos. Because the embryos remain undisturbed in the incubator throughout the observation period, the chances of external contamination or stress are minimized. This can contribute to a more stable environment for embryo development compared to traditional methods where embryos are periodically removed for assessment.

myfertility’s take on Time-Lapse Incubators

We understand that time-lapse technology can be a reassuring tool for monitoring embryo development closely. It can also be a very useful tool to provide answers to why previous cycles may have failed and to help you make informed decisions going forward about your treatment options. If the clinic you have chosen offers time-lapse, it's perfectly fine to consider using it for the added peace of mind. However, we also believe that, ideally, clinics should not be charging extra for using time-lapse incubators (but most do), as based on current evidence, not using time-lapse technology will not drastically change your chances of achieving a pregnancy. It’s important to focus on the treatments that are most effective for your specific situation. 

When you're going through a challenging and emotional journey like fertility treatment, it can be tempting to try everything available. However, it's crucial to remember that more isn't always better. Over-promises on the benefits of new technologies or "add-ons" might not deliver meaningful results. That’s why we believe that being well-informed about your fertility treatment options can significantly improve your infertility treatment journey.

It's important to consult with a fertility specialist to determine the most appropriate treatment for your specific situation. 

If you want to learn more about the best fertility clinics for you, and which clinics do these treatments, be sure to check out our clinic finder and clinic matcher. We built these tools to help you find and match with IVF clinics and fertility specialists near you, and filter through them all based on their success rates, prices, patient reviews, technologies and support services offered. 

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