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IVF clinics nearby UK
Explore real patient reviews, relevant success rates and pricing for all UK IVF clinics
We want to simplify and empower you on this journey and optimise your chances for success
Our intelligent Clinic Matcher considers your individual needs, preferences, and circumstances, ensuring you connect with clinics that truly align with your fertility journey.
Access detailed profiles of fertility clinics, complete with true success rates, real patient reviews, and transparent pricing, empowering you with the knowledge to make confident decisions.
Get unbiased and evidence based information on fertility treatment, making sure you are up to date with the latest technologies and different treatment options available and relevant to you.
Who are we?
We are a patient-focused platform that offers a comprehensive and personalised approach to navigating fertility treatment.
Our core principle is transparency. We aggregate everything fertility treatment related on a single platform and put you in the driving seat to take control of your journey.
Our vision is for better, fairer, and more honest fertility treatment. We want every patient to be able to embark on their fertility journey with confidence, knowing that every step they’re taking is a step closer to completing their family.
We are breaking down barriers and solving the biggest problem in fertility treatment: Access
• Access to the right clinic for you
• Access to impartial facts and information
• Access to relevant and accurate data
It is our responsibility to empower you on your fertility journey, to ensure you make informed decisions about your treatment and where and when to have it. Ultimately, giving you control over your fertility journey.
Ahmed is a senior embryologist with over 12 years of experience in IVF and has been a core member of some of the leading clinics in the UK. He is very passionate about patient education and support, and is a keen advocate of transparency in IVF, especially when it comes to success rates and treatment. This was the inspiration behind his founding MyFertility as a platform to help patients navigate the world of infertility and fertility treatment.
Maria is an IVF laboratory director with over 12 years of experience in the field. Having worked at leading clinics in the UK, Greece and the UAE, Maria has established herself as one of the most significant voices for fertility treatment online via her popular social media platforms. Her own personal journey with egg freezing has instilled in her a deep passion for improving the fertility journey for others to make it more personalised, empathetic, and accessible, focussing on each patient’s unique individuality rather than treating patients as mere numbers. As co-founder of MyFertility, Maria’s unique perspective on fertility treatment from both sides of the microscope centers our focus on the patient, first and foremost.